

罗伯特W. 墙

保罗T. 墙s Professor Emeritus of Scripture and Wesleyan Studies

电子邮件: rwall@ngskmc-eis.net

教育: BA, 瓦尔帕莱索大学, 1969; ThM, 达拉斯神学院, 1973; ThD, 达拉斯神学院, 1979; additional graduate study at Perkins 神学院, 南卫理公会大学. 1978-2021年在好的赌博软件推荐.

罗伯特墙’s books and articles — whether aimed at other scholars or clergy — originate in the ferment of the university classroom and in conversation with his students and colleagues. In both his published research and classroom teaching, Dr. 墙 approaches the Bible as a sacred text — a “production of the Holy Spirit” — and in a manner that forms a clearer understanding of God for the people of God.

尊敬的博士. 沃尔是西雅图本地人, 狂热的运动员(综合健身者, 徒步旅行者, 桨手, 和爷爷), 还是西雅图的忠实体育迷. He is an elder of the Free Methodist Church who enjoys an active ecumenical ministry of preaching and teaching adult Bible studies in congregations of various faith traditions.





The Marks of Scripture: Rethinking the Nature of the Bible, with Daniel Castelo


A Compact Guide to the Whole Bible: Learning to Read Scripture’s Story, David Nienhuis


This compact introduction to the Bible prepares students to begin reading the biblical text as Christian Scripture.

为什么选择教会? (重构新约神学)


“给n the way many in the West have read the New Testament in the last century, the church might be regarded as an afterthought at best. 但在最坏的情况下, 它可以被看作是不必要的, 甚至可能有问题, institutionalization of genuine faith especially in our post-denominational context. These perspectives fly in the face of the robust ecclesiological concerns and commitments of the New Testament documents when read as witnesses from, to, 以及上帝子民的会众. 为什么是教堂? 因为这种特殊的圣徒团契, 谁的爱与复活者相通, has been appointed by the triune God as God's herald.”

阅读雅各,彼得,约翰的书信, & 《好的赌博软件推荐》:塑造 & 规范集的形状, David Nienhuis


Through a detailed examination of the historical shaping and final canonical shape of seven oft-neglected New Testament letters — James, 1 & 彼得后书,约翰后书,犹大后书 阅读雅各,彼得,约翰书信 & 犹大书是圣经 向读者介绍历史, 文学, and theological integrity of this indispensable apostolic witness. It is the only treatment of the Catholic Epistles that approaches them as an intentionally designed and theologically coherent canonical collection.

1 & 提摩太和提多


This theological commentary powerfully demonstrates the ongoing relevance and authority of the Pastoral Epistles for the church 今天. This innovative yet reverent volume will help revive the interest of students, 牧师, and other Christian leaders in the Pastoral Epistles.

被召唤去领导: Paul's Letters to Timothy for a New Day, 与安东尼·B. 罗宾逊


Featuring both exegetical study and dynamic contemporary exposition, each chapter of 被召唤去领导 first interprets the text of 1 and 2 Timothy as Scripture and 然后 engages 1 and 2 Timothy for 今天's church leaders. The book covers many vexing issues faced by church leaders 然后 and now — such issues as the use of money, 领导继承, 田园的权威, 以及圣经的作用. 经历了这一切, 被召唤去领导 shows how Timothy remains a text of great value for the church 今天.

想要了解这本重要的书,请阅读“最小阻力的传教士” (PDF), a brand-new chapter, on 2 Timothy 3:1-9, not included in the book.

天主教书信 & 使徒传统 (与尼布尔、卡尔-威廉合作)


Called to Be Church: The Book of Acts for a New Day (安东尼·B·罗宾逊.)


The Acts of the Apostles: The 新翻译圣经 Commentary




歌罗西书注释 & 腓利门书, 新约注释


The New Testament as Canon: A Reader in Canonical Criticism (与莱姆西奥,尤金)


新约教会神学, 然后, must be the yield of an interpretive strategy that seeks to relate the parts together as an interdependent whole; only 然后 can the biblical theologian create a dynamic portrait of how the whole New Testament defines the church, which we argue is a truer and more useful portrait than merely describing the sum of the definitions found within the New Testament letters."

启示 (新国际圣经评论)


"At the very center of 启示 the good interpreter will always find the simple (not simplistic!上帝的福音. 以这种方式, any interpretation worthy of the gospel will bear witness to the slain, 然而,高举, Lamb through whom the salvation of God breaks into and radically transforms those who depend upon his dependable work; it will celebrate the triumph of God's kingdom, which is already realized in the Lamb's shed blood and which will be fully realized at its return."


  • 《使徒行传. 3–370) and “The Epistolary Literature of the NT” (pp. 373–410), in 新翻译圣经,第10卷(L). E. 凯克,艾德.,纳什维尔:阿宾登出版社,2002年).
  • “The Rule of 信仰 in Theological Hermeneutics” (pp. 88-107) and “Canonical Context and Canonical Conversations” (pp. 165–182), in Between Two Horizons: Spanning New Testament Studies and Systematic Theology  (J. B. 格林和M. 特纳,eds.,大急流城:Eerdmans出版社,1999).

博士的观点. 墙的简历 (PDF)或 数字共享资源作者简介 for more information and additional publications.


Dr. 沃尔在亚马逊的个人资料



罗伯·沃尔,保罗·T. 墙s Professor Emeritus of Scripture and Wesleyan Studies

“I taught because I was called and gifted by God to do so; I enjoyed cultivating in my students the skills necessary to read Scripture well and with deep passion.”



Professor Rob墙 speaks at the annual meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature in November 2011 in San Francisco about his translation work on the 普通英语圣经.



听一段英语播客 2012年5月2日. 卫斯理神学沃尔斯讲座 保罗·T. 墙s Professor of Scripture and Wesleyan Studies Rob墙, along with a response by the Rev. 托尼•罗宾逊.
